Living Stones…were originally discovered by William John Burchell (English explorer – naturalist) in 1811 when he picked up a curiously shaped pebble and it turned out to be a plant!
is a genus of succulent plants native to Africa, their bodies are in
fact a pair of leaves that have evolved to efficiently retain whatever
moisture becomes available to the plant. To minimize any evaporation
the leaves have become so truncated that they have lost the appearance
of a normal leaf and have become rounded like a pebble! This has made
them less obvious to foraging animals since they mimic the color and
appearance of the soil and stones in their surroundings thus standing a
great chance of survival.
The "Split Rock" plant looks like a green speckled rock split open in half.
"Lithos" means "stone" and "opsis" is "face" in Ancient Greek;
therefore, "Lithops" means "stone-face".
The pebble in the brook secretly thinks itself a precious stone.
Japanese proverb
I have tried to grow these living stones several times. I have killed every one of them. Sigh~~ I won’t torture any more but I do greatly admire them. Do you grow these? If so I admire your green thumb.
The quote you used is quite appropriate too. Happy Cactus Monday.
The pebble in the brook secretly thinks itself a precious stone.
Yeah love the above quote and it fits well with this incredibly beautiful details image here.
For survival, we need to be arounded and well eqiupped ourselves with the bibles verses for protection….helmet of salvation, breast plate of righteousness, blet of truth, sword of spirit, shield of faith, shoes of gosplel of peace…etc are in to help and protect!
Let us be ready now!
OOOH I see the Lithops faerie visited you!
My friend Mary is from South Africa and used to have Lithops growing in her garden. She always called them bums because they look like little butts. 😉
Beautiful serene photo of an amazing plant…Love your choice of quote as well…a very zen Happy Cactus Monday fell here. Happy day to you fellow cacuteer! 🙂
what an awesome plant!!! love it….
Happy New Year Lisa!!!
Nan and I used to sell these in our shop. I really liked when all the cacti and succulents would bloom in the dead of winter when everything was so bleak. It is nasty here in Memphis today. Glad to be back from running around and out of the icing rain. love the stuff you send me! Patty
I have admired them from photos but have never seen one. These look so interesting!1
I, too, kill living stones! They are so persnickity! LOL. This is a nice healthy specimen…good luck with it!!!
Happy CM!