I enrolled in a Surface Design / Pattern e-Course called
The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design by Rachel Taylor
it has been absolutely fascinating and I highly recommend it.
My reason for enrolling in this online course based in England,
is that it has been a life long dream to create fabrics and images for products.
With this course I will be learning how it’s done and launching my brand Lisa Rivas to the manufacturing world.
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2 Inspirations: “Streamlined”
I combined the two images below and stretched their boundaries.
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Inspiration: Lesson 2 : Seeing Shapes
Inspiration: Lesson 1 : Gluing Strips
I’ll be posting more soon.
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Lisa, I never know what to say other than LOOOOVE it!!! You use the most beautiful colors and patterns, and your art always, always speaks to me. If (when!!) you begin creating fabrics I am going to be in HEAVEN!! Using your fabrics in my sewing adventures would make me a very happy and inspired girl. CAN’T WAIT!!!
Very proud of you for taking another leap, and so excited for you!!
Lisa, I’m glad that you are happy with your course. I also will be happy when I see your new line of products !
You are a very talented artist, and I love you work.