… or heartfelt ways!
When you are relaxed and calm your heart rate slows down.
The effects are similar to when you breathe deeply.
Deep breathing can help slow your heartbeat,
making the heart work more effectively to pump blood around the body.
• watercolor, wax, digital effects • Lisa Rivas © 2008
Plants breath by taking in gases from
the air and give off others through pores in their leaves. It’s a
passive process, since there is no active pushing and pulling of air as
animals do with lungs.
This is such a beautiful, calming and healing image – and I loved reading the words too. Beautiful deep greens reminding me to slow down a little…and breathe…thank you:-)
i love how the lines of the plant are similar to what the inside of the lung look like. clever you.
Thanks for such wonderful comments.
Jacqueline you were very close in your perception. I emulated the valves of the heart in the structure lines of the plant and gave the background a feel of a map!
FYI: I draw very complex site maps for a living…
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I just love your art work, beautiful!
I love this beautiful organic image. Reminds me of the beauty of our bodies… sometimes I forget how miraculous we are…
this is something that I really needed today !!!!!!
Lisa I have been tagged for some random things……and hope you will have time to play along as well.
So beautiful. It reminds me of art nouveau vases.
This is such a wonderful, intriguing piece. I love the colors and the flow. Really, really lovely.