Listen to this speech of 12 year old Severn Cullis-Suzuki to the United Nations…
This speech happened 16 years ago, in 1992!
It is about you………. us and our world.
Make this video go around the world. Let everybody listen to her and act in the right way.
So where is Severn now? According to this Wikipedia
article she graduated from Yale in 2002, hosted a television program
called Suzuki’s Nature Quest on the Discovery channel, launched an
Internet-based think tank called The Skyfish Project. In 2006 she went
back to graduate school at the University of Victoria to study ethnobotany, and is still an
active environmentalist.
Visit this link for the interview of Severn by The Collage Foundation.
Lisa, I watched this video and was very moved. “Out of the mouths of babes….”comes the truth. Thanks for sharing.