A beautiful ETSY Treasury from the Flying Lesson 2012 Alumni…
“When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.”
~ Ruskin
From start to finish… a process to a vision!
I had started my mood-board project for the BYW Bootcamp
by placing bits and pieces of my studio on the board.
Once it was done I looked at it, and it felt more like a cutting board to me! And it actually was!
I found that the kitchen sink was there too, and the cupboards were sitting right above.
…this board was in the “Kitchen Sink” stage…
So then my mother came into the picture, for she had been there in spirit the whole time.
She was peeking from the tiny silver picture frame; and with her, order came and took a seat.
Red areas began to take over and this hue was attached to some gripping blood-ties and …
… maybe a petal or two, with some seeds;
And then a tiny red button rolled in!
The mood-board had switched towards remembering my mother. Now it was… “About Mom”
Maybe a break was in order, for I had aimed to be myself!
The whole purpose of this particular Mood-Board was to illustrate visually the style of my blog!
I then sat down with the silences of my blank canvases listening to the whispers and the depths;
…and finally I saw the sweet tweets of colors, blending within the songs of so many hues.
I realized my life has been a wondrous secret voyage, one of the imagination,
of worlds within worlds within worlds…
I had been able to observe the hidden magic within the stillness of a room,
and thus discover life’s fleeting dance among the folds.
That was what I had always done among my many ways.
Ups? …and up, up they soared… way above the crowd!
The “Fly Alumni“ are up and offering beautiful, unique its items at their Etsy Shops.
I am presenting this first treasury featuring some of the selected “FLYERS” work … and more to be.
Shops are Up & Open, and they are offering Up treasures! … just Turn Around and take a look!
“Life is intrinsically, well, boring and dangerous at the same time.
At any given moment the floor may open up.
Of course, it almost never does; that’s what makes it so boring.”
~Edward Gorey (American Author, Illustrator, Designer and Artist, 1925-2000)
Gold and crimson hues dot the crisp estival leaves;
slender branches twist and nod in, for the long keeping.
Upon the lawns, pumpkins roll about in anticipation,
of maybe being the center of delight in some treat.
The days have been shortened by the early cast of twilight,
while overtones of purple hem the visages of sky and leaf.
Oncoming is the shift of an approaching new season;
the one of early morning chills and late afternoon snaps.
Deep reserves are stockpiled under the crowns and crevices;
being held together by the folds of the sweet nectar of bees.
Among the rifts, teensy life scurries and quickly closes down,
secretly tucking away their soft down covers and cradles.
Fairies go about mustering cerise sips and happy drops,
rapidly gathering pine needles like slender spider legs.
To spin together cobwebs for the blanketing of infinities;
all to the tune and step of the vermillion setting sun.
~ Lisa Rivas © 2012
watercolor with photo-composite – Nashville, TN – USA • © Lisa Rivas – “Inflorescence with Spiders”
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“When our eyes see our hands doing the work of our hearts, the circle of Creation is completed inside us,
the doors of our souls fly open, and love steps forth to heal everything in sight.” ~ Michael Bridge
Do I really need those boots?
Eek! …and I don’t even own a pair of boots!
I thought I had no need for boots… sandals would be just fine!
My original blog was called “Flying Colors”and it was 4 years old. Well, just recently I found out that I had been tiptoeing all along, “mostly bare foot” all over the web and flying by the seat of my pants!
It seemed to me I had worked double and, even triple, and I had been losing my enthusiasm slowly. With this said I looked around to see what else could I be doing… since I knew I had a trove of beautiful images, I then decided to try myself out in a big NYC trade-show! I went, and without the proper gear specially the need of good boots! Consequently I almost lost my feet in that trip I came back with bruised toes, and very sore feet. Somewhere I had lost my light-hearted sandals! There was no footing to stand on, and this lack of solid ground was indeed scary and quite painful.
I flipped and flopped around at home for good while until the soles of my feet healed with lots of gardening, Bollywood and chocolate. Then came several consultations, I finally talked to a coach friend and she mentioned to take a look at Kelly Rae Roberts. I visited Kelly’s site, and enjoyed this safe, beautiful and honest haven. I felt very lucky to be able to sign up in time and take her e-Course “Flying Lessons”, even though I was a bit apprehensive of attempting to fly again. But I thought: “You never even took any of these lessons in the first place!”
That trade-show made me come to grips that I had some serious communication issues! My fear of writing stemmed that I had never really studied “English”. I had gone to a Venezuelan school and I knew English simply because my mother was American and we spoke it at home and I read a lot. This handicap of not knowing how to write very well made me very insecure in expressing myself verbally. So I also enrolled in a “Business English” class at my local Community College. Now I am learning English Grammar, writing business letters and understanding proper netiquette.
Flying Lessons started in August and I have made many new amazing friends of which I have read their incredible stories and acknowledge their creative spirits / arenas. I don’t have to “FLY SOLO” anymore!
Within this network I also found out about a “super flyer” called Holly Becker from the blog: “Decor 8” she was offering some advance blogging lessons. The e-course is called “Blogging Your Way”, it’s a BOOT CAMP not a SPA and you need some good boots! In this class I have to write 3 blogging posts this week with at least 250 words. Also I should reveal who I am, and let people know what I have to offer. I need to let people in on some of my dreams, let them know about my accomplishments and share what the wonderful possibilities are.
To be an original and a successful blogger is not easy, nor is it simple. It takes serious focus and commitment, a clear and generous spirit. And, I definitely need some good boots, because there is a lot for me to cover and share! … the FlyingColors’ blog is now the Lisa Rivas blog.
“The greatest difficulty with the world is not its ability to produce, but the unwillingness to share.” ~ Roy L. Smith