Every year, since 1993, Inakadate’s 8000 residents and farmers have worked together to create huge agricultural works of art in their rice paddy fields. Using green, purple and yellow-leafed rice, the “agri-artists” design and plant their rice, precisely plotting out the colours which bring the images to life. As the rice grows, the art becomes apparent from an elevated position, with the best viewing time in July. In 2007 the farmers chose to combine two very famous woodcuts of the artist:
Katsushika Hokusai – “The Great Wave of Kanagawa” and “Red Fuji”
The farmers first sketch out their designs on computers so that they
know exactly where the rice needs to be planted. Hundreds of villagers
and other volunteers then help plant the four different colored
varieties of rice in the vast fields.
The creations emerge in the late summer months after the rice plants have had a chance to grow.
More than 15,000 visitors travel to see the creation. For more images go here: Rice Paddy Art
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As the farmer who won the lottery said when asked what he was going to do with his winnings:
“Keep farming until it’s all gone”